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2022-08-30 22:35:45

I found some great Suikoden fan wallpapers on reddit with stunning visual representations of Suikoden towns.

After being allowed to do so, I uploaded them into our Suikoden wallpaper gallery.

Thanks a lot to reddit user smokedsandman for making these and allowing me to use them.

I even replaced our header image with a great view of Teien!

posted by docower

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2022-08-24 08:34:43

On sunday, I finished Shining The Holy Ark - a game I owned for a long time but never really played.

Well, this changed, I played it in the past few weeks (As you can see in our screenshot gallery), and not it's time to publish the corresponding review.

Here it is! The game is incredibly 90s in terms of styling, but it really held up well and was lots of fun.

Although I'm not sure if I'd ever finish it again thanks to the mean last boss.

Ah yes, and here it is: our screenshot gallery of the game!

posted by docower

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2022-08-19 21:01:20

I've been away for a small vacation the last two weeks, and today it's time to continue the updates.

First of all, there have been new artworks added for Harvestella and Final Fantasy XIV.

Harvestella is up for pre order now and will be released at the beginning of November this year. Final Fantasy XIV will receive a new patch 6.2 on August 23rd, where the storyline continues.

And I also added new screenshots to the growing Shining The Holy Ark screenshot gallery.

posted by docower

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2022-08-08 21:40:23

Square Enix announced a remake of Tactics Ogre - Tactics Ogre Reborn.

The game is set to be released on modern PlayStation consoles as well as the Nintendo Switch and the PC.

It's honestly nothing for me as I want my RPG elements even in tactical RPGs, but in the end, the art looks fine, so I had to create a corresponding gallery for it.

posted by docower

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2022-08-05 18:40:57

Some more "Shining" stuff today, this time it's about Shining The Holy Ark and Shining Force III - all neatly stored in our Shining gallery, just as yesterday.

Some of these images don't have the quality we're usually uploading here on rpg-o-mania, but they're basically the only ones available right now.

posted by docower

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Really darn old news

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